
Dates: 19 Feb  – 28 Feb
Direction: South
Tarot: Eight of Cups
Planet: Mars
Metal: Iron/Copper
Element: Fire
Color: red
Plant: cypress
Incense:  dragon’s blood
Zodiac: 0-10 Pisces

ENN: Ganen Menach Tasa Furfur

From the Goetia:
“..appearing in the Form of an Hart with a Fiery Tail. He never speaketh the truth unless he be compelled, or brought up within a triangle. Being therein, he will take upon himself the Form of an Angel. Being bidden, he speaketh with a hoarse voice. Also he will wittingly urge Love between Man and Woman. He can raise Lightnings and Thunders, Blasts and Great Tempestuous Storms. And he giveth True Answers both of Things Secret and Divine, if commanded.”

Connolly states to raise energy during or before a ritual. Daemon of fire scrying. It’s not that he won’t speak the truth, but rather you have to ask the right question, and he will tell you whatever you want to know. Very important. So, it’s a bit like If you ask a stupid question, you’re going to get a stupid answer type of thing.

To raise energy during or before ritual is a very good thing. You might be doing a working where you do need a lot of energy, and that energy you’re going to collect and build up in yourself and then you’re going to project. So Furfur can help you to raise that energy before or during the ritual. Very handy.

Jehannum says, according to someone named High Priest Joseph, although I have no idea who that is, Furfur was the most beautiful demoness I have seen yet. She had white, silky wings, blonde curly hair and large blue eyes.

Ashra Shadim notes that Furfur can destroy electrical devices in the vicinity of where he is being called, and this comes back to the raising of energy. So if you are going to be doing a working where you need an intense amount of energy then just bear in mind that if you have your cell phone or things like that in the vicinity you could ruin them.

You’ll find working magic and with energy a lot of the time, electrical devices just fritz out. They have weird things happen to them. Happens over and over again.

Continuing with Jehannum:

  • can teach the art of astral shape shifting
  • grant the witch protection from predators
  • makes you smooth and skilful in spewing heresy
  • seduce and mislead other people
  • gives assistance to the pursuit of monetary gain to the point of wealth
  • can wreak havoc on one’s introspection, therefore destroying the ego
  • sometimes incites sexual deviancy amongst his victims for his own pleasure

And Rufus Opus mentions reignites passion in relationships, which comes back to him being a love Daemon.

From The Goetia Ritual we have symbolism regarding the deer tail which is self-willed mind and not something easily controlled. Tails are balance, guidance hence judgment and adjustment. Regarding the fiery tail, they suggest is demon requires cautious engagement. And he has a hoarse voice as well, which is sometimes considered to be a spirit which you should be careful.