

Dates: June 1st to June 10th
Direction: South
Tarot: Nine of Swords
Planet: Venus
Element: Fire
Color: green
Plant: ground ivy
Incense:  sandalwood
Zodiac: 10-20 Gemini

ENN: Eveta fubin Barbatos

From the Goetia:

“He is a Great Duke, and appeareth when the Sun is in Sagittary, with four noble Kings and their companies of great troops.”

“He giveth understanding of the singing of Birds, and of the Voices of other creatures, such as the barking of Dogs. He breaketh the Hidden Treasures open that have been laid by the Enchantments of Magicians. He is of the Order of Virtues, of which some part he retaineth still; and he knoweth all things Past, and to Come, and conciliateth Friends and those that be in Power.”

Barbatos is very much a Faun or the mythical Pan protecting the animals of the woodlands. He has been called “the Wild Archer” and “the wood-demon” as well as “the Angelic ruler of Witchcraft.

Barbatos can help you to communicate with animals, teaching you how to understand their voices, and this can also extend to communication with your Fetch/Familiar if required and needed.

He is a peacekeeper and will stop the personal wars between magicians, and can also be invoked to protect your home against hidden attacks.

He is an eloquent singer with a beautiful voice and will teach you the power of song and the ability to tune into things around you, tune into the vibrations of everything. He will teach musical skill and give inspiration.

According to Jehannum he can also teach grounding techniques, or he can just bring this about for you.