

Dates: July 2nd to July 11th
Direction: North
Tarot: Three of Cups
Planet: Venus
Element: Water/Earth
Color: green
Plant: aloe
Incense:  sandalwood
Zodiac: 11-19 Cancer
Other: eyebright, clary sage, aloe, blue vervain

ENN: Secore vesa anet Gusion

From the Goetia:

“He appeareth like a Xenopilus.”

“He telleth all things, Past, Present and to Come, and showeth the meaning and resolution of all questions thou mayest ask. He conciliateth and reconcileth friendships, and giveth Honour and Dignity unto any.”

First of all, what is a “Xenopilus”?

Gusion is commonly portrayed in art as a tattooed humanoid with the head of a monkey, however in his book ‘Grimoire of Aleister Crowley: Group Magick Rituals’, Rodney Orpheus says that it is “like a man with a dog’s head”, which is actually a Cynocephalus.

If we break down the word itself we could derive it be a clawed frog from the Greek ‘xenopus’ actually meaning ‘strange foot’, however the word ‘pilus’ means ‘a hair’, so xeno-pilus could mean ‘a strange hair’.

Gusion is very similar in nature and office to Amon. We have the divinatory aspect with the ability to reconcile friends. Gusion also give honours. Connolly mentions that Gusion can be called if you really want to do work on yourself and your self image. He will literally hold up a mirror to you and cause you to see your true self, so very good for some aspects of shadow-work.

Jehannum states that the name is pronounced ‘goot-YAWN’ and means ‘Little Dove’, however I pronounce it ‘guh-see-awn’. Some pronounce it ‘guh-shun’. From Rufus Opus: “This is a spirit good for making friends and for understanding relationships. Being a contractor for a living, I find the influence of the spirits with the ability to reconcile friends and foes to be useful in establishing good relationships with teams that may have already worked together for years.”