
Dates: 11 Apr – 20 Apr
Direction: East
Tarot: Four of Wands
Planet: Mercury
Metal: Mercury
Element: Air
Color: orange
Plant: marigold
Incense:  storax
Zodiac: 20-30 Aries
Other: lead, saffron, mulberry, holy thistle

ENN: Lirach tasa Malphas ayer

From the Goetia:
“…appeareth at first like a Crow, but after he will put on Human Shape at the request of the Exorcist, and speak with a hoarse Voice. He can build Houses and High Towers, and can bring to thy Knowledge Enemies’ Desires and Thoughts, and that which they have done. He giveth good Familiars. If thou makest a Sacrifice unto him he will receive it kindly and willingly, but he will deceive him that doth it.”

If you have read the entry about Halphas, you may recall that some people have mentioned that Halphas and Malphas are the Hugin and Munin, the two ravens of Odin. Apart from the appearance of both being birds, especially with Malphas being a crow, I can’t say I see any other connection whatsoever, however it may be something you want to consider.

Connolly states he can help you build a foundation of safety at home in the Astral Temple. Some invoke Malphas as a ward against psychic and physical assaults.

Johannum says to turn the Satanist into a powerful black magician. Imparts a “by any means necessary” mentality. Can reveal the thoughts, actions, and desires of a specified individual. Skilful in architecture and demolition. So, if you are in construction industry, Malphas is a good one to call. Overwhelms his targets completely by eradicating their desires, thoughts and achievements. Give the ability to perform divination with flawless accuracy and perfect recall of astral journeys during sleep. This also extends into dreams and attaining lucidity within your dreams. So, anything revolving around dreaming itself, whether it be remembering your dreams, whether it be attaining lucid dreaming, or whether it be astral journeying during sleep.

The Goetia Ritual goes into the symbolism of the crow regarding Malphas is as an oracular symbol, the embodiment of an omen, a sign for something portentous.

Something I would like to point out here is that the Goetia says “he can build houses and high towers”; Connolly states “build a foundation of safety at home and in your Astral Temple”; and Jehannum goes into the same thing regarding architecture and demolition. This all seems to be focused around the building of the home, strong foundations, as well as the astral temple, but also about protection and warding of those spaces.

However, there is also mention of revealing knowledge about your enemies desires and thoughts. If we relate to competition within business, then we could also relate the above to the foundations we build within our business ventures, not just the physical office blocks and buildings that we use for business. For me this relates more to the idea of “building high towers”. In business we also need to know our audiences desires and thoughts, not our enemies, but still revolving around the same idea.