

Dates: May 1st to May 10th
Direction: East
Tarot: Six of Pentacles
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Color: orange
Plant: chicory
Incense:  storax
Zodiac: 10-19 Taurus
Other: mercury, tin, cinquefoil, anise, thistle

ENN: Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar Marbas

From the Goetia:

“…appeareth at first in the form of a Great Lion, but afterwards, at the request of the Master, he putteth on Human Shape.”

“He answereth truly of things Hidden or Secret. He causeth Diseases and cureth them. Again, he giveth great Wisdom and Knowledge in Mechanical Arts; and can change men into other shapes.”

The main office of Marbas is to heal and create illness and disease. He is also a teacher of mechanical arts and if we view the human body as a mechanical thing from a Newtonian perspective, then he can teach us about the body and how to heal it.

Satan & Sons mention that he likes to study decomposition and he can speed up and slow down time in order to study it. This can also give him the aspect of being able to slow down the progress of an illness so that it can be cured, or to speed it up in the case of a curse.

In his aspect of divination Jehannum states that he rules over prescience, pendulums, glamour magick, mind tricks, tarot cards, mind reading and crystal balls. He also mentions the use of Norse runes however because of the very wide divide between the cultures, I would not think so. He can also improve astral hearing and magickal memory and gives the ability to psychically detect unknown locations and missing objects. Jehannum also states that he rules over good luck and gambling and can bestow honours and produce monetary gain. He also loves children and will lash out at people molesting or treating them badly. As Marbuel he can assist poor mechanics and architects to carry out their contracts to great success.

There is a similarity and possibility that Marbas is also Nergal, a Mesopotamian God who was attributed to war, death and disease. Also possible association with the ugallu, the “lion-demon” or “man-lion” which was a protective spirit.