
Dates: 13 Nov – 22 Nov
Direction: East
Tarot: Seven of Cups
Planet: Moon
Metal: Silver
Element: Air
Color: violet
Plant: ash
Incense:  jasmine
Zodiac: 20-30 Scorpio
Other: neptunium, tin, mullein, wormwood, elderberry

ENN: Eyan tasa volocur Naberius

From the Goetia:

“…showeth in the form of a Black Crane fluttering about the Circle, and when he speaketh it is with a hoarse voice. He maketh men cunning in all Arts and Sciences, but especially in the Art of Rhetoric. He restoreth lost Dignities and Honours.”

Connelly says to invoke for strength and guidance to do what is honourable and right, even when you fear taking a stand for what you believe in. This is very important because a lot of people have a strong belief that they want to fight for, but they don’t have the courage to do it. It could be a very, very good cause that needs someone’s voice, and this person could actually come along and help a person or a group of people who need that voice, but they just don’t have the courage. Naberius can help with that.

A natural effect of his energy is to make the magician feel nervous. However, he can infuse the magician with great courage and confidence. Here we see again the switch. Going back to Marbas as an example. Marbas can heal a disease or an illness but can also create the same disease or illness. So you’ll find that if a spirited demon is considered to be good for a specific type of love magic, like bringing a relationship together or bringing a couple who have broken up back together again, they can also be used to break up a couple. So, we find that Naberius can be called on to bring courage and confidence but at the same time also instils a nervousness in the magician when Naberius is called.

The symbolism in The Goetia Ritual of the black crow is considered to be the creative powers of the archetypal demiurge, and the crane is the ability to enter into light states of consciousness and an intermediary between heaven and earth. From a Jungian perspective, the intermediary between heaven and earth its the unconscious, and shadow of the young conscious mind.

The name Naberius is considered to be another name for Cerberus, the three headed hound and guardian of Hades from Greek mythology.

Jehannum states that that Naberius is considered to be a psychopomp, which is ruling the barriers between our world and spirit plane, and prevents the escape of the dead from the underworld, which is a connection to Cerberus, being the guardian of the Greek underworld.

The following are only some of the aspects of Naberius that are noted by Jehannum. He rules over faculties of psychic perception, the true will alchemy, the great work, the bestial manifestation of the higher self as the spirit animal, mirrormancy, vehicle enchantment, shadowmancy, stellar magic warding, lunar magic, scrying, tarot divination, pyromancy, hydromancy, necromancy, prescience, the use of fire in magic and death magic. He can inflict suffering, assault and tragedy upon any given person, can be called to control an animal and coerce it to harm things or persons reveal, the hand of glory, commune with the planetary spirits of the Earth, assisting protection and travel and gender introspective epiphanies of self-understanding, overcome addictions and. He also states that the three heads of Cerberus should be compared to the three heads of Asmodeus and Hecate.

There is a very strong connection between Cerberus and Hekate through the lore, but I’m not sure if the three heads of Cerberus should be equated with the three heads or faces of Hekate. I don’t see a connection there, but Hekate is always seen with the with the Hell Hounds, which is very much in regards to Cerberus, the guardian of the underworld.

In regards to Jehannum talking about the bestial manifestation of the higher self as the spirit animal is very much in regards to the power animal or the Fetch Beast and this is usually considered to be the lower self. It’s the manifestation of the Beast which is the Beast of our soul. The bestial representation of who we are. This is the guard and guardian which is often used to travel to the underworld. But there is obviously a connection with the higher self here because we need to unite the lower self with the higher self in order to reach the Crown. Peter Paddon spoke about this in terms of the Drake and the Crown, or the process Crowning the Drake.

So, if we split the soul into three parts, we have the lower, middle and higher selves. The lower self in Kabbalah is called the Nefesh and the middle is the Ruach. What we do is we bring those into union because we need them to work together. The Nefesh is the instinctual self, the active aspect and although it has access to all knowledge, past, present and future, it doesn’t have memory, whereas the middle self, the rational self, does retain memory. So, you bring those together and it creates this beautiful union, but then once you’ve got those united you then you need to unite those with the higher self. This is the crowning aspect. This is the Holy Guardian Angel. So the lower self, the Fetch Beast, is a very important aspect to all of this.