
Dates: 21 Mar – 30 Mar
Direction: East
Tarot: Two of Wands
Planet: Moon
Metal: Silver
Element: Fire
Color: violet
Plant: rose
Incense:  jasmine
Zodiac: 1-10 Aries
Other: titanium, vervain, passion flower, lavender, copper, sterling silver, blue silver, meadowsweet

ENN: Ef enay Phenex ayer

From the Goetia:
“…appeareth like the Bird Phoenix, having the Voice of a Child. He singeth many sweet notes before the Exorcist, which he must not regard, but by-and-by he must bid him put on Human Shape. Then he will speak marvellously of all wonderful Sciences if required. He is a Poet, good and excellent. And he will be willing to perform thy requests.”

For anybody who is looking for a muse, to bring inspiration for music, art, writing, etc. Phenex or Phoenix is great.

Connolly states muse for the creative. Invoke during fire baptism and rebirth rituals including creative path working.

Jehannum gives some additional information, stating that Phenex is a harbinger of transformation on the astral, physical, mental, spiritual and biochemical levels. He can make the Summoner a more powerful Seer and Witch. Imparts guidance regarding black magic, particularly in the fields of execration. The dissolution of other spells and the dissolution of ego.

And The Goetia Ritual mentions embedded in the symbol of the Phoenix is the duality of light and darkness, solar and lunar. As a bird of fire, it signifies royalty, nobility and uniqueness. It’s yin yang nature denotes it’s interlinked masculine (solar) and feminine (moon or lunar) powers, while the child’s voice denotes a curiosity for wonder.

I think the main thing here to note is the connection with the with the Phoenix, the Firebird. There’s a lot of legend and lore surrounding the Phoenix, especially regarding rebirth or rising out of the ashes. So, if you are going through a period in your life when you are going through a kind of death and rebirth phase, stage or transition, Phenex might be a good one to actually work with in that regard to help you through that process, and also to help you to understand the process of the fire baptism and the rebirth.

And as Connolly mentions, for rituals including creative path working. So, during that process of actually going through that transition period, that death and rebirth process, you might want to incorporate pathworking in order to bring understanding and bring knowledge about the process that you’re going through.