

Dates: July 12th to July 21st
Direction: West
Tarot: Four of Cups
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Earth
Color: blue
Plant: hyacinth
Incense:  cedar
Zodiac: 20-30 Cancer
Other: cinnamon, rosehips, yarrow, mint, allspice

ENN: Lirach alora vefa Sitri

From the Goetia:

“…appeareth at first with a Leopard’s head and the Wings of a Gryphon, but after the command of the Master of the Exorcism he putteth on Human shape, and that very beautiful.”

“He enflameth men with Women’s love, and Women with Men’s love; and causeth them also to show themselves naked if it be desired.”

If there ever was a Daemon that rules lust and sex, and only lust and sex, it is Sitri in my opinion.

Many (including the Goetia) suggest that Sitri appears masculine. Connolly interacts with Sitri in a feminine form. Personally I would say that Sitri will come to you in a form that is most desirable to you, usually sexually, but not necessarily, and that could even be androgynous or hermaphroditic. It is entirely dependent on your personal desires.

Sitri can be invoked in sex magick rituals to boost the energy of the magick, and also for seduction magick where she/he/them/it can be interactive with to become a succubus or incubus (Connolly) or create succubitic/incubitic thoughtforms (Jehannum).

Jehannum also states that Sitri will grant courage and will obliterate sensations of doubt, and change the personality in certain ways. This could be terms of seduction magick, to give you the confidence that you need and the release from self doubt in order to seduce your target.

Jehannum also suggest that Sitri imparts great power and knowledge of nature magick and how to work with Elementals.