

Dates: Aug 23rd to Sept 1st
Direction: West
Tarot: Eight of Pentacles
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Color: green
Plant: mandrake
Incense:  sandalwood
Zodiac: 1-10 Virgo

ENN: Lyan ramer catya Zepar

From the Goetia:

“…appeareth in Red Apparel and Armour, like a Soldier.”

“His office is to cause Women to love Men, and to bring them together in love. He also maketh them barren.”

Zepar can be invoked as a fertility Daemon or to find your marriage partner, therefore very much connected with love and fertility. In the case of fertility, it is not always related to having babies. Fertility can be seen as a fertile mind, fertile earth, fertility of the mind (creativity), or fertility in finances. However, in the case of Zepar this is probably more focused on the former, i.e. fertility of the womb, just don’t forget the symbolism that goes along with that.

Jehannum goes on to include seduction, sexual perversion, love, pederasty, and affection. Can engender both one night stands and fruitful relationships, and return lost lovers.

Jehannum aslo states that Zepar is said to fall under Amaymon and familiar of Lilith. Also partisan and purveyor of Azazel’s humanist intent. Can give minor aid in vampyric workings and can help the magician design an artificial succubus of incubus – or take on the powers and traits of such creatures. Talented in succubitic alchemy. As familiar of Lilith, he is patron to LGBTQ types.