Welcome to the Temple

You are no doubt here because you watched a video or read something regarding the Temple or the personal training that is provided by Lee W Johnson.

To get started, sign up as a Seeker which is free of charge, and you will get access to some material that will give a better understanding of the direction that the Temple will take you, the beliefs and worldview that are incorporated, and also an outline of a daily practice to get you started and dip your toe in the waters so to speak.

The daily practice involves offerings and prayers to Hekate, Pan and your Personal Daimon, followed by a banishing/cleansing rite to get you energetically clean, and then a 15 minute meditation.

If you would like to progress from there, and start the First Degree personal training, then just get in touch with us to discuss it further. Start by clicking the button below and becoming a Seeker.