Ancestor Offering

Thom Says:

“The Faery Faith is followed for many reasons. The kind of person you are shall decide what your reasons are, but foremost amongst the Faith is a deep reverence for the Land, which contains within it the hidden Radiance of Elfhame, the Womb of the Mother, and the dwelling place of the Ancestors. Those who believe in the Deep Ones below, have faith that they too, will someday dwell as one of the shining ones, and feast in the Hollow Hills. They believe that as the great cycles turn, they will find renewal through the womb of a clannic descendant. This is the promise of the Faery Faith…that rest and renewal will be found below, and that The Mother, and the Sidhe Ancestors will bless the faithful with bounty.

Finally…The deepest grace that the Faery Faith offers is the union, in this lifetime, of the Faery-Nature and the Human Nature. Such a being is truly one of the Master-Men, a person who has undergone a spiritual metamorphosis, and dwells in a new order of existence.

The Primary ritual of the faith is the Ancestor Offering…The offering that unifies the Human above with the Faery-presence below, or within. This is how it is done:”

Thom takes a small plate with a oatcake on it and a cup of mead. He raises them up and says:

“I sain this drink and this bread in the power of Beira, the Old Veiled Queen of Elfhame, and in the power of the White King of Faerie, Horned Master of the Faerie Rade!”

He then takes a sip of mead, and takes a bite of the bread.

“The remainder of the offering must be left at the roots of a faery tree, or on a stone, or on the earth, with these words:

“Blessings upon the Deep Ones in the Hollow hills! Blessings upon the Feeorin within the Land, And Fetch-blessings be upon us.”

“To this you may add your own words, and remember…you do this with the intent of unifying yourself with the Faery-otherself, and the Otherworld. Keep this in mind. The sharing of the power of the meal is the first step. The rest, is within you.”

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