The interior of the cottage is filled with an endless variety of fascinating objects. Drying herbs adorn the walls, an old-looking pitchfork stands in one corner of the main room, and various bottles and wooden boxes crowd the little shelves. A well-kept hearth emits a red glow that fills the warm interior of the cunning man’s abode.
Before you, sitting on a small wooden chair, is Bruane, the Cunning Man of Three Sisters Wood.
He eyes you insightfully, and he seems to always have a small smile on his lips, as if he knew a secret joke.
“What does the Prentice want of the cunning man?” He asks.
“Speak your questions, for those who will answer you are rare in these parts…and answer you, I shall.”
He continues: “Outside, in the woods beyond my cottage, is a clearing called the Covenstead. It is the place that the People of Three Sisters Wood meet to honor the Old Ones. After we finish speaking here, I bid you accompany me to it, for much can be learned there, as well.”
You may hear Bruane’s words on: