Sigil Crafting


Get a personalized and empowered sigil for your intention. Whilst in trance, using mantra and with the help of various spirits, I will craft a sigil for you, using your name and intention. When complete you will receive a digital version via email that you can print out at your own discretion, as well as a mantra to use in case you decide to use this in a meditative fashion.

When ordering use the ‘Order notes’ on Checkout to let me know your intention or prayer. Keep this direct, to the point, and in the present tense, some examples would be:

“I have many paying customers”
“I am in perfect health”
“I am protected and secure”

Some general suggestions for usage are:

  • Drawn or printed: print out the sigil or draw it, and place it where it is most needed or seen. You can put it on a wall in your bedroom or at your desk so that you see it when you pass by. This will help to reinforce the image in the unconscious mind.
  • In meditation: use the sigil as a focus point. You can also chant the mantra provided.
  • Drawn on body: draw it on the body using oils or a non-toxic marker. Especially useful if it is for healing purposes.
  • Candle magic: carve it into candles or place the candle on the sigil during candle magic workings.
  • There are so many ways a sigil can be used. Use your imagination and see what works for you. If you are an artist, you can also incorporate it into other artworks.