Defining God and Satan

I would like to talk about God and Satan.

Rather controversial topic and I think everybody has their own interpretation of what God and Satan are, depending on who you talk to and their background.

Because of this channel and the topics I speak about and because I’m a Daemonolater I think it’s quite important to get an understanding of what I personally mean when I talk about God and Satan.

I find it funny because whenever somebody asks me the question of who is the highest being, who is the top dog sort of thing, who is the biggest Daemon, I would say God and it gets a rather interesting reaction most of the time.

Let’s start with Satan. 

Satan is the Adversary.

When it comes to Satan, again, everybody is going to have an interpretation.

A Christian is going to have an interpretation which is completely different to a Satanist. A Satanist is going to have an interpretation which is completely different from a Daemonolater.

When it comes to Satan, again, we’ve got very personal interpretations.

For me, Satan is the All, and when I say All I mean the Spirit or Ether, that which is the Elemental King, which is everything.

In this regard, because we are on the left-hand path we talk about antinomianism, and antinomianism is about going against the grain.

It’s going against the grain of society. It’s going against the grain of societal thinking, and actually thinking for yourself. It’s about developing yourself. It’s improving yourself.

This is very much the Adversary. 

You are being adverse to what everybody else has been teaching you, has been telling you. 

Adverse to the way you’ve been raised.

A lot of people who are listening to this podcast, myself included, come from a western society and that western society usually raises us to believe that demons are evil, God is good, Satan is bad etc. etc. but there’s a lot of other things in there. We are taught how we should react to certain situations. We are taught to suppress our anger.

There are a load of things, we’re supposed to get married and have a child and live happily ever after with that one person. 

It’s not always the case.

With the left-hand path and antinomian behavior we go against the grain of society. We question it, but it’s not about becoming a criminal. It’s not about everybody’s good therefore we’re going to be bad.

 It’s about questioning all of the things we’ve been taught. Questioning the way we’ve been raised. Questioning the way we have been programmed to think and programmed to believe. Questioning all those things and then doing something which is more in line with our own nature and again, that doesn’t mean becoming a criminal. 

In fact, becoming a criminal can be completely against being antinomian, because it would pull you down and bring you down. You will be in a position where you can’t move forward, you can’t grow.

You have to take all those points into account, but when it comes to antinomianism, we are talking about going against the grain of society and that is being the Adversary. 

But there’s more to it when it comes to Satan.

My personal interpretation of Satan is that I am Satan. I am the All. I am the creator of my own life, my own future, my own destiny. I do magick in order to change the outcome of something. I do magick in order to alter the energies around me, my environment, my circumstances, in order to move myself into a direction I want to go in.

That is what being Satan is about, it’s about thinking for yourself, about standing up and about improving yourself, about empowering yourself.

If you haven’t already you’ll probably come across this whole thing of “becoming a living god” at some point. When we are talking about becoming a living god, it’s not actually about becoming a god, you already are a god or a goddess.

You come to realise what you already are, and you can then grow from that and grow on that. 

We are trying to become a living god, or realising that we are a god or a goddess, and through that we become the creator of ourselves, and we become the creator of our own lives. If we look at the normal construction of the Daemonolatry Circle in Modern Daemonolatry, we find the placement of the Five Elemental beings.

We have the four Elemental beings or four Elemental Kings around the circle and then we have the axis mundi, which is Satan, the All, Ether, Spirit. 

Because you are standing in the middle of the Circle, you become the creator of your microcosm which then reflects into the macrocosm.

You are the axis mundi.

You are the world tree.

You are that aspect which is the creator, and you are therefore then Satan.

That is my interpretation. That’s how I see it.

Years back, when I was working with Satan and Satanism specifically, Satan did come through as an entity and that entity was one which was very much connected to the earth, the earth realm itself. He was very much in love with humans and wanted us to grow as a species, wanted us to grow as people, as individuals and as a collective as well.

There was that aspect of Satan being an entity which was separate from me, but as I’ve developed, there’s an overlap that happens and that entity became me.

We could argue that all of the entities are us. We can argue that they are archetypes of us, they are parts of our nature. They are forces of nature which are external to us, but also internal to us, because we are connected to everything. 

These arguments can go on and on and they can get a bit bogged down with terminology, understandings and interpretations.

We are the entity and the entity is separate from us.

It’s just all a big mishmash of stuff and you really need to delve into how to understand that.

But you also have to try and remove yourself from the idea that we are individuals and also try and remove yourself from the idea that this physical world is all there is. Even if you believe that this physical world is one thing and we have an astral world, it doesn’t mean that they are separate. They are combined, they are the same. One is a dream, the other is a dream.

To try and put it simply. You are Satan, you are your own Satan, you are your own god or goddess.

That’s how I view the whole aspect of Satan anyway, working from what I work with.

When it comes to God, I take the Kabbalistic approach in this interpretation where I’m not talking about the Christian God. The Christian God, from what I’ve seen and from what I believe, is an Egregore, and that Egregore has been created by thousands and even millions of people over a very long time. A very powerful Egregore, but not the God of the Hebrews, not the God of the original texts and not the God of Kabbalah. 

From Kabbalah we understand God to be Everything and No-Thing and what this means is that God is everything that we can possibly touch, see, smell, feel. You can experience God with all the senses, but also with thought, or imagination. Whatever we can imagine, is God. So it’s everything that we can understand, everything we can experience, but at the same time is also nothing which means that God is also those things that we cannot experience, that we cannot understand, that we cannot touch, that we cannot smell, we cannot see. 

We could say that God is everything in that case but then we are getting into areas where everything becomes everything that we can experience and we can’t experience everything about God.

We cannot completely comprehend God. 

We cannot completely understand or put it into some kind of context.

The Toltec warrior path has a really good explanation of this. We talk about the tonal and the nagual.

The best interpretation of this I’ve ever seen, or ever read, was to imagine that the tonal is an island and beyond the island is an expansive sea. It’s a never-ending sea and that sea is the nagual.

The tonal is everything we can experience, everything we can comprehend, interpret, imagine, touch, feel, see, hear, smell. Everything that we can put into an experience of some kind, even if it’s a physical experience or whether it’s an experience of imagination, or an experience of taking a concept and interpreting it in a certain way. 

That’s the tonal and that is our tonal. Everybody’s tonal is different.

Beyond that is the nagual. The nagual is everything that we cannot understand. Everything that we cannot experience. Everything that we cannot interpret in any fashion.

If we take something out of the nagual and we interpret it, we give it definition, then it becomes part of the tonal and it’s the same with God being Everything and No-Thing, so Everything is the tonal, No-Thing is the nagual.

If we take something out of the No-Thing and we give it definition, then it becomes part of the Everything.

This for me is God and when I speak about God, I speak of God as being Everything and No-Thing, and therefore God, everything, demons, gods, goddesses. Any form of deity, any form of pantheon, anything, any spirits, high, middle, lower, astral parasites, the mighty dead, the ancestors, the people that we interact with, the environment that we interact with, the furniture in the house, everything is God.

Therefore all the deities, all the Daemons are also God.

We are God and we are also Satan.

Instead of talking about myself as being a God, I prefer to talk about myself as being Satan because I am therefore the All within my own microcosm, the All within my own space, the All within my own environment and that All which creates my own life but at the same time I am God the Everything and No-Thing because I am connected to that everything and nothing.

That’s why my interpretation of God as everything and nothing is the ultimate being, the ultimate power.

These are just words. God is just a word, Satan is just a word.

When we talk about God, quite often immediately people just click and think the Christian God, it’s just a word, and that word can be interpreted in many, many, many different ways. 

I think everybody needs to come to their own understanding and their own personal interpretation of what these words mean to them and go from there.

Not everybody’s interpretation is going to be the same and that’s fine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We don’t agree on everything. We don’t need to agree on what God is. We don’t have to agree on what Satan is, but as long as we understand what each one is talking about and what we each understand those words to be, then we can have a conversation, and if we can have a conversation then we can come to understandings and from there we can grow.

What’s been happening for a very long time, and what is still happening, is people just immediately put up a wall because somebody says a particular word which they interpret in a completely different way to the other person. They just put up this wall because they are not willing to understand how that person interprets that word.

It all boils down to communication at the end of the day.

Define these things yourself, but also understand that everybody else is going to define it as well and define it their way. In order to communicate, to grow, to understand, to learn, to change, to develop ourselves, we need to allow ourselves to understand other people’s interpretations.

Through that we can develop ourselves more and grow.